Helping an Organization Establish a Tobacco Policy
If a partner organization does not currently have a written tobacco policy in place, offer to provide sample tobacco policy language and work with them to institute a comprehensive policy.
- Notify your TPC Regional Director of your work on policy development with the organization. They will be able to provide additional support and guidance.
- Gather additional information from the organization’s leadership to inform the policy development process.
Establish if the facility is owned or rented. If rented, has the organization’s leadership talked with the owner/landlord regarding establishing a policy on tobacco use? What was the response? Can you and the organization’s leadership meet with the building management to discuss the benefits of a tobacco free workplace? Can other tenants of the shared property join you in the meeting?
Review the grounds and building for potential implementation barriers. Is the building adjacent to another building, workspace, or living area that allows tobacco use? Do tobacco users from adjacent properties smoke or use tobacco nearby, within sight of children? What alternative areas can be suggested for tobacco users? Do properties share ventilation systems?
Discuss vehicles used by staff and volunteers. Are there any restrictions in place for staff and volunteer use of tobacco in company-owned or personal vehicles while on school time or on school property? Do restrictions change if children are in the vehicle?
- Offer Sample Tobacco Free Policy language, address any questions from the organization’s leadership, and determine their process for policy implementation.
Do policies need to be reviewed by the organization’s policy council, board, or other governing body? What is the process for passing new policies? What issues does the organization’s leadership anticipate with the sample policy?
- Offer to serve on the organization’s Policy Committee if one exists and you are able.
This can be a great way to support the organization and play an active role. It will also help you learn more about the organization and better understand how tobacco control might fit into their overall objective and other initiatives.
- Help draft a comprehensive policy for the organization.
Work with the organization’s leadership or Policy Committee to craft a policy that is both comprehensive and meets the unique circumstances of their organization. Provide education and support along the way, acknowledging barriers and providing possible solutions to overcome them.
- Offer suggestions on informing staff and parents about the new policy and how to enforce it.
Talk through potential conflicts or concerns the organization’s leadership may have about implementing and enforcing the new policy. Prepare suggested responses to concerns about the new policy that may be raised by staff, parents, and visitors. Share key points to convey about the policy: It protects the children and staff, lowers maintenance costs, is consistent with other area schools and childcare facilities, etc.
- Check in with the organization’s leadership periodically to inquire how the new policy is working and offer additional support as needed.