We have updated the Parent/Guardian Surveys and will be implementing them again in the 2023-2025 grant cycle. Parent/Guardian surveys help us collect meaningful data, improve the Breathe program, and give you and your Breathe partners another opportunity to bring up the topic of tobacco!
There are multiple ways these surveys can be administered, and the more surveys we collect the more useful the data will be. Parent/Guardian surveys have been designed so they can be completed at any time during the year (before or after providing tobacco education), so talk to each of your Breathe Partners and work with them to develop a plan that works best for them.
The short survey asks questions about tobacco use and exposure, desire to quit, and whether or not they have received tobacco education. As an incentive, any parent/guardian who completes a survey (and provides their contact information) will be entered into our quarterly drawing for a $50 Walmart gift card! (This will all be taken care of by Health Ed Pros).
If someone requests help with quitting on their survey (and provides contact information), Health Ed Pros will share the information with the appropriate County Coordinator who should then follow up to offer support and resources, including Quit Now Indiana information.
Our goal is to collect 500 parent surveys by June 2025…and we can’t accomplish this without each of the Funded Partners! Make sure your county is represented and work with your Breathe Partners on a strategy to get parents/guardians to complete the survey. Need help or ideas? Reach out to Tanya to set up a brainstorming Zoom call!
Formats/Ways to Access the Parent/Guardian Survey
Tell each of your Breathe Partners about the parent surveys and help them determine the option that will work best for them to inform the parents/guardians they serve about the survey. (You can use and personalize the sample text in this document to communicate with your Breathe Partners about the surveys.) These surveys could be completed at enrollment night, during parent-teacher conferences, at-home visits, in one-on-one or group settings, etc.
Any of the following formats can be used:
- Surveys can be filled out online in English OR online in Spanish
- Hard copies of the English Survey can be distributed (County Coordinator must then complete data entry here)
- Hard copies of the Spanish Survey can be distributed (County Coordinator must then complete data entry here)
- Print out this Parent/Guardian Survey QR Code Flyer and direct parents to scan the QR code with their smartphone to take the survey. Share this flyer with Breathe Partners so they can post it in their organizations to collect survey responses.
- Encourage Breathe Partners to include the following sample text in their organization’s newsletter or in an email to the families they serve: “Parents/Guardians…please take a few minutes to fill out a short survey from our tobacco education partner! Any parent/guardian who completes a survey (and provides their contact information) will be entered into a quarterly drawing for a $50 Walmart gift card! You can find the survey in English here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BreatheParentEnglish or in Spanish here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BreatheParentSpanish“